Empowering Latino ERG Leaders: Insights from the Latino Leadership Roundtable Luncheon

With Ileana Ruiz Cruz

A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of sitting at the table with some of the most dedicated Latino ERG leaders I know. The Latino Corporate Network put together this wonderful event at Mitre, facilitated by Eduardo Villavicencio (an incredible colleague and facilitator—check him out if you haven’t yet).

The purpose of The Latino Leadership Roundtable Luncheon was for the Latino Corporate Network to collect data and hear from ERG leaders as they prepare for an upcoming ERG conference in early November.

Benefits of Latino ERGs

There are numerous benefits to being part of an ERG. These benefits include building community, expertise sharing, and access to opportunities. While ERGs can be complex due to the additional labor leaders take on to keep them active, many report feeling energized and connected to their organization as a result of their leadership involvement. There is a heightened sense of purpose and community that comes with being connected to an ERG.

Addressing the Need for Latino Mentors and Sponsors

We need more Latino mentors and sponsors. This is particularly challenging when only 4% of Latinos hold executive positions in corporate America, and when you disaggregate, only 1% of Latinas hold such roles. Therefore leaders are often overtasked as they are frequently the only Latino in their circles.

Strengthening the Latino Leadership Pipeline

What are some ways to address the shortage of Latino mentors and sponsors?

First and foremost, we need to strengthen the pipeline of Latinos advancing to the top so that over time, we are fully represented and have the capacity to be mentors and sponsors to all Latinos. 

Providing Cultural Humility Training

In the meantime, we can work with our allies and provide them with cultural humility training. This equips them with the necessary tools to understand the roadblocks and challenges we often face. It should not be on the mentee to bear the responsibility of educating the mentor—this is one less burden that should be on our plate.

How do we do that?

One effective way is by hiring an external consultant to offer cultural humility training for mentors and allies. Something that yours truly offers, so if you need help within your organization, feel free to reach out by booking a discovery call

#LatinoLeadership #ERG #BRG #DiversityandInclusion #CulturalCompetency #LatinoMentors #LatinoProfessionals #LeadershipDevelopment #CorporateDiversity #LatinoExecutives #Consulting #Coaching #LatinoERGs #LatinoEmpowerment

With Ileana Ruiz Cruz

Group photo at Latino Corporate Network.

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